Pen vs hero
Well, so far 2019 is proving to be as full on as 2018 – I didn’t even really get much of a break over Christmas. Still, I’d rather be busy than twiddling my thumbs, and I did take some time out last week for a total fan girl evening, going to see the amazing performer and human being that is John Grant. As someone who works with the English language, I appreciate his lyrics, though be warned they are not for those of a sensitive disposition!
Some of my old colleagues used to tease me about being a bit obsessed with pens… put it this way – they knew better than to ask to borrow one of mine. I probably own about 1,000 (no exaggeration) and am always trying out new red and green ones for proofreading especially.
So, hotel room booked across the road from the concert venue, last week I headed off to Liverpool with a magenta Sharpie and his latest release on CD in my bag. After 1.25 hours waiting by the stage door in the cold, I was rewarded with a lovely chat, hugs and autograph from the big man. And while it’s not exactly how it looks, this photo did make me grin.